Monday, October 5, 2020

Child Development: Food and Safety : 8 Eating Milestones Assignment

When Baby starts eating solid foods, it is important to keep both safety and nutrition in mind. Click HERE to read "8 Eating Milestones", an article filled with advice about feeding older infants.
Focus on "Milestone 4".
HERE is another list of foods to include for older infants as well as foods to watch out for.
HERE is a list of excellent beginning finger foods for older infants.
Make a "T Chart" like the one below showing what older infants should and shouldn't be given to eat.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Child Development: Infant: Play

Even the littlest babies need to play. Check out this list of weekly play activities by clicking HERE.

Infant Play

Click HERE for some fun ideas for infant play.

Click HERE for more play activities for 6-12 month olds.

Child Development: Early Infant: Play: Video

Playing with babies helps them to grow stronger and meet developmental milestones.
Click HERE to watch a short video about infant play and development.

Food Safety: Older Infants

HERE is a link with information about infant choking.

What should you do if an infant is choking?