Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Assignment: Boxed Mac and Cheese: What are you eating?!?!

Boxed mac and cheese is often a favorite among kids, but what is in it?
Take a look at the ingredients list from a box of Kraft Mac And Cheese.
Look at just the ingredients for the CHEESE SAUCE MIX.  
There are 13 ingredients, many of which don't even sound like food.

Click HERE to watch a video about the artificial coloring in the CHEESE SAUCE MIX.

In your notebook, make a  Venn diagram to compare and contrast boxed mac and cheese and our recipe for Stove Top Mac and Cheese.

Think &Write: Using the information you now know about boxed mac and cheese, write a paragraph to convince someone to make our Stove Top Mac and Cheese instead of boxed mac and cheese.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

How to Sew a Running (Straight) Stitch

*Remember to always tie off when you have a finger's length of thread left 
or you are finished sewing a piece. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Beginning Sock Puppet Project

Anyone can make a sock puppet!!  This is somewhat like the sock puppets we will be making

You will be designing your own sock puppet and creating pattern pieces to make it.
Click HERE to go to the images for sock puppet designs to give you some ideas.
Remember, you need to have an original design that follows the criteria on the instructions.